Tap to Start


Crimean assassin, Banshee, sees into the rift; letting her see time and death itself, both present and future, making her highly combat fluent; allowing her to cut a path for her allies, whilst striking discord and terror onto the enemy.


This folder details the timeline of events leading up to Ito her recruitment.Before First LightIto is born in Crimea, a country of which its existence has been under question for years by its neighbors. At very young age, it is invaded, and annexed. Her mother dies, and ends up a orphan. Shes moved to her father's home country, Japan a few years later.

Post First LightIto is raised a warrior, and goes back home; where she takes a sword out of a stone that would give her her power. She would form a roundtable of phenomenal warriors, radiant and human; and lead them into battle against different world powers, doing numerous political assassinations, raids and more for a unknown objective.Two years prior to recruitmentA calamity came upon Ito her syndicate, twelve of its most important figures, except her would die in a battle with what is claimed to have been a attack like nothing she had seen before. The files on this attack are classified and have limited information. It is unlikely she is stable enough to even share this story. Post calamity, she would vanish; and re appear as Vorona, a assassin operating in Eastern Europe.

The Hunt for VoronaFollowing investigations into radiant activity, everything surrounding Takeda Ito struck the protocol as unusual, and a multitude of failed investigations was launched until Cypher effortlessly tracked her down. The story she shared was vague, and has left a major emotional impact on her- But it does not seem she is lying. The true nature of her power which came for the fittingly titled Excalibur is a mystery,Recruitment of VoronaAlbeit she has a hidden personal goal from the looks of things, Vorona has been accepted into the protocol. She will operate under call sign Banshee. Agent Banshee has been assigned the duelist role.[[END OF FILE]]


Real Name
Takeda Ito (secret)
Trans Female
The Lucky 13 (Former)

PersonalityVorona isn't really the most social, but not anti social either. She just goes with the flow of things. She's a curious person, the idea of new things truly captures her having seen so few good things in her earlier life.Ito carries a facade of sorts that she's a very serious, old person. But she's just a young adult who's still finding her place, who's seen a little too much. She's a competitive spirit, and has her occasional moments of pride, but her greatest strength is her wisdom.

AbilitiesRole : DuelistQ - CaliburnACTIVATE to unsheath Caliburn, which allows you to deflect bullets back to the enemy. After a DEFLECT you switch back to your weapon. E - DashACTIVATE to Dash into a direction of choice.C - Gaze into the AbyssACTIVATE to throw a rift orb ahead, upon coming near enemy players, it will briefly reveal their location to just Banshee.X - Voided ExcaliburACTIVATE to summon Banshees blade, Voided Excalibur, from the rift.Whilst active, movement speed is improved. With each kill using the sword, you recover the amount of health you had when you activated the ability. Can be used in combination with Caliburn.